The Primer

We go about our daily lives understanding almost nothing about the world around us. Most of the things were just taken as granted. We give a very little thought to the things that happen around us. Like, how many of us really wonder about the machine that is giving us the sun light which makes the life possible on earth, the gravity that is gluing us to the earth, the atoms of which we all are made up of and on whose scalability we fundamentally depend, the electrons because of which we are able to see the world at night, the massive dams which are for multi-purposes and many other wonderful things. These aren't the miracles that just happened in a day. Science is behind all these things. Normally in our society it is customary for parents and teachers to answer such queries with a shrug as they themselves are unaware of these things. And when the child becomes an adult he loses interest in querying about such things and takes every thing for granted.
These posts are just meant to answer some of such queries. Any comments and suggestions are welcome.
abey... office lo pani leda?
looks good
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